Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pointless Rantings of a Mind Stretched Too Thin

Why is money so important? It allows you to provide for yourself and loved ones. It provides you with a means to escape the reality of the everyday. It is a means in which to obtain lavish, unnecessary things that can make you look more or less important. It is a status symbol. 

Why is status important? Well, to be honest, the only reason I can come up with is our instinct drive to be the best. It is present in all animals. We believe we are evolved, but most of our actions can be explained by inborn instincts that we learned from the beginnings of time.

What am I getting at? If we are evolved as we say we are, then we can attempt to ignore our baser instincts and decide status is unimportant. Therefore, money is unimportant regardless of its necessity in everyday life. 

So why am I stressing about my bills at the end of the month? If I only want to be happy, why am I worried? Money can't buy happiness. No, but it can buy almost anything else. That is the problem. 

So, what am I to do? Since I can't implement a new bartering system and I can't win the lottery (yet), I just have to watch my spending and GET OVER IT.

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