Friday, July 13, 2012

Somebody's Number One

Everyone deserves to be someone's first priority. If you are in a relationship, it goes without saying that your significant other should have you as their number one and them as yours. Sometimes things don't work out the way you plan and you realize you are no longer number one. Do you even know how far down the list you are? Don't worry about it. You can't change how people feel and they will one day realize their mistake. Do not forget, however, that you need to be someone's first priority. So, if your significant other, for whatever reason, doesn't put you first, it is your responsibility to put yourself first. If he or she can't put you first, then it is time for him or her to come second for you. Why? Because, as I've said, you need to be somebody's number one. If you aren't number one for your significant other, then you need to be number one for yourself. 

No more moping around. Go out and find your happiness.